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Cross-country skiing, or Nordic skiing as some may call it, is one of my favorite and most frequented Adirondack pastimes. I can be found out in the woods with my dogs every day and when there’s snow you can bet I’m on my cross-country skis. Let me note I’ve had these bad boys since I was about 12, and while they are not the latest and greatest & I keep saying someday I will get a nice pair with ankle support and metal edges, etc, they definitely get the job done.

Flume Trails & Whiteface Landing  

I love getting into the woods with the dogs on skis, I love the fresh air, exercise, clearing my mind, and when I’m lucky I get to connect with friends and family. On this particular day I was blessed with the company of two girlfriends. We chose to head to Wilmington. Our first choice, the Flume trails, turned out to be an epic failure - although there was plenty of snow in the area, this little valley in the mountains seemed to have missed out. So we got back in the car and headed a few miles up the road to the Whiteface Landing trail. Success! There was plenty of snow and what I liked most about it was the trail was wide enough to ski two people side by side, making it possible for all three of us to carry on a conversation along the way.

no snow no problem, there's snow in the whiteface region
no snow no problem, there's snow in the whiteface region

No problem! Back in the car & down the road to the Whiteface Landing

The parking lot was nicely tucked off the highway, giving me a nice comfortable feeling when letting our pack of three dogs out of the car: Ryo, Penny and Macabee, (small - a 10lb. terrier, medium - 35lb. basenji mix, and large - 70lb. black lab). Andrea, Emily, and I got out our skis and stepped into our bindings. Andrea said she hadn’t been in years, Emily said she was fairly new to the sport… and well, as I mentioned, I've had my skis since my pre-teen years.

We started out, the trail was flat and wide, perfect for all ages and abilities. I would highly recommend this trail to anyone, including families, couples, girls, guy outings, and those flying solo. The weather was nice, the air was still and the company was fantastic. The trail is an out and back (from what I understand the whole trail is 7 miles round trip, and I know there’s a lean-to along the way) so we decided we would go for half-an-hour or so and see how we felt and would just turn around when we were ready.

Cross-country skiing Whiteface Landing
Cross-country skiing Whiteface Landing

Connery Pond 

A short way down the trail we reached Connery Pond, it was very pretty and scenic, the trail skirted around the outside of it and then we disappeared back into the woods. We continued on, we skied up some gentle inclines - in fact, so gradual Andrea didn’t realize until we were gliding back down the trail. 

No Girls Outing is complete without selfies to document the occasion! LOL ;)

We stopped a few times to take some photos, once again I was having fun with this selfie pole my mom brought back from her trip to China. We laughed about them, but so far they've been great Christmas gifts for me and my brother. Cheese!

whiteface landing, selfie cam
whiteface landing, selfie cam
Macabee taking a break
Macabee taking a break

Onward & Upward 

We made our way leisurely along for what was about 30-40 minutes until we reached a slightly steeper climb than we had been making. It was still a novice-level hill, but since none of us had been out on that trail in a long time we decided this was a good place to turn around. We stopped for a moment, took a few more pics and Macabee helped himself to a stick on the side of the trail.

dogs on whiteface landing trail
dogs on whiteface landing trail
another selfie cam photo, yup still having fun!!
another selfie cam photo, yup still having fun!!
breaktime trailside at Whiteface Landing
breaktime trailside at Whiteface Landing

An easy return trip 

We turned around and skied / glided our way down, back past Connery Pond and to our car. It was such a great way to spend the afternoon. 

Work & play the Adirondack way 

Andrea started the first half of her day skiing with her dad at Whiteface Mountain Ski Area and having lunch slope-side before meeting us down the road from the mountain to switch gears from downhill to nordic. While I worked half-a-day before picking up my dogs along with Emily and Macabee to head out to meet her. As an added bonus most all of the Whiteface region trails are in close proximity to the Cloudspin Lounge at Whiteface, the Wilderness Inn Restaurant and McDougall’s Pub at the Hungry Trout Resort, all great, highly-recommended, après-ski spots.

Your turn, what'RE you waiting for??

Plan a ski outing of your own check out the nearby lodging options, find a package deal, and learn more about all the great things we do here in the Adirondacks! Your mind and body will thank you. See you on the trail!!


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