Welcome to the Whiteface Region, let us be your guide!
The Whiteface Region is full of wonderful outdoor activities, but not everyone is familiar enough with hunting, hiking, or finding fishing holes to venture into the wilderness alone. Getting a guided trip or some special instruction is a great way to enjoy it right from the beginning.
If you have a group together for an activity you can find someone who will make it even more enjoyable, with skills to build on for the next adventure.

From the highest of our mountains to the depths of our streams.
Whether you want to get this new interest started with expertise, want to make sure a group venture goes smoothly, or are wondering how to amuse the kids while wearing them out when you have a schedule challenge, our local guide services are ready for you. They are often found at their gear shops and outfitters. Have a chat about what you need, and get ready for a fine time.
Fly fishing is a big part of what makes Wilmington, and the Whiteface Region, special. Adirondack fly fishing guides located at local shops, like the Hungry Trout Fly Shop, will help you create a trip tailored to your specific interests.