Visit our Brookside Apparel stores where you can find outdoor gear for hiking, biking, skiing, or souvenirs and gifts from the Olympic Venues that will provide lasting memories of your Adirondack vacation. Shopping at our Brookside Apparel stores is extremely convenient, as we are located at two locations.
Whether you are taking a drive up our historical Whiteface Veterans Memorial Highway, or riding up the scenic Cloudsplitter Gondola, you will be able to find all your apparel needs at the Whiteface Base Lodge or the Whiteface Castle.

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Packages and Promotions
Valid Jan. 9 - Mar. 29
Valid Jan. 9 - Mar. 29
10% off admission tickets when purchased online
High Falls Gorge
Get 10% off adult and child winter 2024-2025 admission tickets with code: WINTER25.
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
10% off Gift The Gorge Package
High Falls Gorge
Treat someone you love with the gift of nature! This is an e-gift card program with packages for admission to the park, money to spend in the Gift Shop, and even more to spend in the River View Café.