Hearn Swamp parallels Forestdale Road to the north and can be seen well from the road. Most of the approaches will require off-trail navigation. While Hearn Swamp is very close to the road, and a map and compass and/or GPS might not be required, it can‘t hurt to bring these items along. The fishing here is pretty good but the trout are not overly big.
Getting there
Leave Wilmington following the Memorial Highway (Rte. 431) toward the Whiteface Toll Road. Take a right onto Gillespie Road and follow here to Roseman Lane on the right. Follow Roseman Lane to its end at Plank Road (Forestdale Road), take a right. After about 2 miles or so the swamp can be seen to your left.
Length of approach: Less than 0.1 miles
Fish species: Brook trout
Boat access: None
Shore fishing: Yes, in select areas. Some shore areas are thick with alders not allowing for ease of access.
Approximate shoreline length: Middle Kilns Brook is roughly 5 miles in length
Approximate depth of water: 1 to 4 feet, depending on location
Here are some birds you may encounter: Osprey, Hermit Thrush, Blue-headed Vireo, Black-throated Green Warbler, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Winter Wren, Chimney Swift, Swainson’s Thrush, Blackburnian Warbler, Belted Kingfisher, Swamp Sparrow, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Dark-eyed Junco, Brown Creeper, Nashville Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Common Raven, Blackpoll Warbler, Gray Jay, Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
Spring insect hatches will bring out the warblers, but this spot is also excellent during migrations.

Accessibility Information
Fish Species
Brook Trout
Additional Info
Packages and Promotions
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
10% off Gift The Gorge Package
High Falls Gorge
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