Fly fishing at its best! This world famous river has crystal waters and plenty of boulders where the fish like to hide. There is hand access at points along Route 86 and along side roads near the river. The river is not boat navigable in most places.
By the numbers
- Length: 12 miles
- Mean depth: 2 feet
Of course, the river is alive with brook trout. Rainbow and brown trout are also present.
Accessibility Information
Additional Info
Packages and Promotions
Valid Dec. 2 - Dec. 28
Every week on Sunday and Wednesday.
Community Night at NewVida Preserve
NewVida Restaurant and Craft Bar
10% off purchase of tapas & drinks for locals at NewVida Preserve on Sundays and Wednesdays in December (excluding Christmas day).
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
Valid Nov. 26 - Mar. 29
10% off Gift The Gorge Package
High Falls Gorge
Treat someone you love with the gift of nature! This is an e-gift card program with packages for admission to the park, money to spend in the Gift Shop, and even more to spend in the River View Café.
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