
YOUTH (SPRING) at Upper Jay Arts Center

Directed by Wang Bing

YOUTH (SPRING) is set in Zhili, 120 miles from Shanghai. In this city dedicated to textile manufacturing, young workers come from rural regions crossed by the Yangtze River. They are in their early twenties, sharing dormitories and snacking in the corridors. They work tirelessly to be able one day to raise a child, buy a house, or set up their own workshop. Friendships and romantic affairs are made and unmade according to the seasons, financial difficulties, and family pressures.

*Please note the run time on this film is 3 hrs 32 min. We invite you to bring snacks, settle in, and enjoy the work of one of the foremost documentarians working today.

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REEL Stories Series

REEL STORIES is a mid-winter film series (curated by Casey Galligan) to get you out of the house mid-week. Each Wednesday in February we will be showing a documentary film that portrays the lives of others. Settle in at the Lounge to explore the everyday lives, rituals, and traditions of communities that may seem quite distant from our own. 

Film poster

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Wednesday, February 12

6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


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