Celebrate Movement and Community
Join Lake Placid in the first international celebration of Olympic and Paralympic Cities Day of Peace and Solidarity. Take part in events happening at Lake Placid Legacy Sites throughout the day and explore your Olympic spirit through the "Let's Move" initiative.
- Virtually | “Let’s Move” challenge – follow @lakeplacidlegacysites for more information.
- 10:00 am – 9:00 pm | Lake Placid Olympic Museum Extended Hours
- 10:00 – 4:30 pm | The ‘Let’s Move” campaign continues with options for visitors and community members to participate in at Mt Van Hoevenberg. Commit to 30 minutes of physical activity – biking, hiking, trying a sport, and/or taking in history with the Legacy Tour. The Legacy Sites venues are free to access, but some activities do require a ticket.
- 6:45 pm | Lake Placid Celebration, Welcome and Reading of the Proclamation & Charter
- 7:00 pm | Lighting of the Torch at the James C. Sheffield Speed Skating Oval
- 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm | Inline Skating Celebration at the James C. Sheffield Speed Skating Oval. Wear your red, white, and blue and celebrate our Olympic heritage and the “Let’s Move” movement. RAIN LOCATION: Ice Skating on the 1980 Herb Brooks Arena
- 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm | Roamers Happy Hour with Live Music by “Moment’s Notice”
- Evening | The Olympic Rings will be illuminated, and the Olympic Center will be lit red, white and blue.

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Date / Time
Saturday, June 24
All Day