
Newtok at the Upper Jay Arts Center

Water will erase Newtok, Alaska. Built on land that was once frozen year-round, the foundation of the tiny Yup’ik village has been sinking and eroding for decades. To keep their culture and community intact, the 360 residents must relocate their entire village to solid ground across the river while facing the indifference of a federal government that refuses to recognize climate change. Directed by Andrew Burton, Michael Kirby Smith

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REEL Stories Series

REEL STORIES is a mid-winter film series (curated by Casey Galligan) to get you out of the house mid-week. Each Wednesday in February we will be showing a documentary film that portrays the lives of others. Settle in at the Lounge to explore the everyday lives, rituals, and traditions of communities that may seem quite distant from our own.

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Wednesday, February 19

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


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