
Printmaking for Kids

In this printmaking series with Rob Fountain, students will explore garden themes, learn how to block print, and work together to create a mural. Skills that will be taught and practiced over the course of the 4-session class include: brainstorming, drawing, safe use of linoleum carving tools, preparing work for print, printing, mural mounting. Students should come to class ready to do messy work, and wear old clothes or bring an art smock. All supplies will be provided by the library.

If your student will have difficulty following safety instructions in a supervised group setting, a responsible adult should accompany them to provide assistance with using the cutting tools.

This program is supported by the Adirondack Foundation – Generous Acts Aasgard Fund.

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Monday, October 16

3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

Monday, October 23

3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

Monday, October 30

3:00 pm - 4:15 pm


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