
WorkADK: Connecting Job Seekers with Employers in the Adirondacks! 

Looking for amazing employees to round out your team? This is your opportunity to promote job openings as part of the WorkADK campaign.

Looking for work?

Browse through the job openings by region by visiting: https://www.workadk.com/jobs

How it works for businesses

We know it can be hard to find summer help and we want to make it easier for you. Add your available job opportunities to Indeed at no cost, and you’ll be included in the WorkADK campaign. ROOST will actively promote the WorkADK site through a variety of channels, including social media, in order to highlight the many benefits of living and working in the Adirondacks. We want to drive diverse traffic to your listings to help you find the employee that best fits your needs.

Make your job stand out - Include information on housing for staff. Offer incentives such as sign-on bonuses, staff discounts, and free activities. Be sure to highlight any of the incentives you offer in your listing!


Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Email us at info@roostadk.com or call us at (518) 523-2445.


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