"Adirondack Photographers 1850-1950" author talk with Sally Svenson
Join author Sally Svenson at Up-A-Creek Restaurant on Tuesday, August 27 at 7 p.m. for a talk on her book, "Adirondack Photographers 1850-1950.” Based upon her new book, the program will discuss the technology of photography as it was emerging throughout the United States in the mid-nineteenth century and caught hold in the scenic Adirondack region of upstate New York. Young men and a few women began to experiment with cameras as a way to earn their livings with local portrait work. From photographing individuals, some expanded their subject matter to include families and groups, homes, streetscapes, landmarks, workplaces, and important events—from town celebrations to presidential visits, train wrecks, floods, and fires. These photographers have been central in defining the region.
Attendees are welcome to arrive early or stay late to support our local restaurant. The program is free and open to the public.
The Wilmington Historical Society Summer Speakers Series made possible by the Essex County Arts Council's Cultural Assistance Program Grant with funding provided by Essex County.
Accessibility Information
Venue: Up-A-Creek Restaurant
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Phone: 518.420.8370
Email: whs12997@hotmail.com
Date / Time
Tuesday, August 27