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We scoured our blogs for the most popular, most informative, and just downright funniest pieces from the past year. In case you missed them on the first go-round, here are our top 3 picks from the Whiteface Region. Enjoy!

#3. Sunrise, Sunset: Hiking After Hours

After hiking to see the sunrise for the first time, I fell in love with hiking in the dark. The woods transform at night and take on a life of their own... Being at the top of Whiteface in the pre-dawn hours was the closest I’ve ever been to the stars - I could almost touch the Big Dipper. It was an amazing experience and beautiful to photograph. Are you ready to hike after hours?

Ready to hike for the rise?
Ready to hike for the rise?

#2. Wolf Talk

Steve & Wendy Hall have been rehabbing animals for 40 years now -- and in my opinion, they have the coolest job ever! The animals that are brought to the Adirondack Wildlife Refuge and Rehabilitation Center are mainly injured animals which are no longer able to survive on their own. After rehabilitation and tender loving care they serve as educational animals at the refuge until they are able to be released back into the wild. As of 2025, the Adirondack Wildlife Refuge is closed to the public and this blog has been unpublished.

One of 3 wolves at the Refuge.
One of 3 wolves at the Refuge.


#1. The Giant Little Super Sandwich

What if I told you there was a place that makes a sandwich that is delicious, gigantic, and inexpensive? Would you believe me? Probably not. You’d probably think that I was joking, or crazy, or had bad taste in sandwiches... I, like you, was once a skeptic. I didn’t believe the stories. I denied the claims. I refused to heed the witness of others. And so, in my ignorance, I lived a life of darkness. Are you ready to be enlightened?

Big sandwich - perfect for a big mouth!
Big sandwich - perfect for a big mouth!

So, there you have it... our Top 3 blogs of 2015. We enjoyed researching them - we hope you enjoyed reading them! Cheers!


2015 year-end roundup: Top 3 blogs from around the ADKs.

Lake Placid / High Peaks

Saranac Lake 

Lake Champlain/Adirondack Coast 

Schroon Lake Region 

Adirondack Experience

Tupper Lake Region

Visit Malone


Explore More in the Whiteface Region

Summer Events Roundup: It's Race Season!

Summer brings with it a plentiful events calendar boasting outdoor music festivals, races up Whiteface Mountain, and more!

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5 Reasons Snowboarders Love Whiteface

Whiteface Mountain is the ultimate destination for snow enthusiasts, offering a unique experience that resonates deeply with snowboarders. Through conversations with riders, it's easy to see why Whiteface stands out as a favorite.

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10 Non-ski Reasons to Visit the Whiteface Region this Winter

We know the Whiteface Region is a skier's paradise, but it's so much more than the sick vertical up in the clouds! Discover all the fun to be had here, from frozen waterfall walks to arts and culture escapes.

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A Romantic Escape: Three Days in the Whiteface Region

Discover your next cozy winter retreat in the Whiteface Region! Escape to snow-capped mountains for a romantic weekend for two, filled with adventure, relaxation, and local treats that will inspire memories to last a lifetime.


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